Sunday, January 11, 2009

We Will Prevail

We will prevail, originally uploaded by yosaholic.

By the time you look at this picture, i am wondering, what impression that will come out out from your mind?

For some of you it might be just a star spangled banner, an American flag, blown away by the wind in the middle of Summer or it's just an ordinary American flag. It has red-white stripes and 50 stars with blue background?

Some of you might think why did the passionate adventurer put this simple American flag in his blog? or some of you might think why passionate adventurer did not just put other countries flag or passionate adventurer flag? why American Flag? why?

For me it's not simply a flag. For me, it represents the spirit of American people, its nationalism, its pain, its anger, its sympathy, its people's will to strive from the worst nightmare ever, and the most important one, its people's rejection toward their government action to overcome the nightmare.

This flag and the wall behind it have changed the world forever. It has changed faith of millions in the world forever. It has changed world's face forever. It has changed many nations' political constellation. It has changed some worst enemy countries of America to a friendly one. But it also has changed many countries and people turn their face to the flag owner and create new enemies, some of them are indescribably, and like ghost, you can not see it by your own eyes.

But now, please put aside those controversies. Passionate adventurer is seeing it as a symbol of human effort to wake up from its worst nightmare and try to overcome the nightmare by showing to the world that "yes we can survive and we will prevail to overcome and make the nightmare disappear" . And for that reason passionate adventurer salutes them who try to survive, stand up, and move on toward the light of hope, light of justice, light of friendship, light of happiness, and light of forgiveness.

Passionate adventurer thinks that this spirit with its positive values should be recognized and American people's spirit to survive , forgive, learn from their experience, and get out from the nightmare should be spread to all over the world, especially to those who experiencing the nightmare as well. Get up and stand up and go to the light, the light of forgiveness, happiness, friendship, justice, hope, the light of freedom.

So please to all of you who are still holding your hatchet highly, bury the hatchet and spread the seeds of peace to the every corner of the earth.

-9/11 Ground Zero, New York, one fine day in the middle of summer-

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with You!

    That's not a usual flag, but more than that! It represents many things.
